Content Owner
Additional Responsibilities
Dean Alumni Affairs
Educational Qualifications


Ph.D. (Computer Science), University of Southampton, United Kingdom.

M.Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India

B.Tech. (Computer Engineering), G.B.Pant University of Agriculture & Technology. Pantnagar, India



Director, Rajkiya Engineering College, Banda, U.P.

Director, Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jhansi, U.P.

Pro Vice Chancellor, Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow, U.P.

Chairperson, Department of Computer Science, South Asian University, ( An University established by SAARC nations),  Chanakyapuri, New Delhi.


Research Interest

Formal Methods, Distributed Computing, Database Systems, Verification of Transactional  Information Systems, Rigorous Design of Distributed Transactions


Awards :

Commonwealth Scholar (2004),  Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, London, United Kingdom.

Young Scientist Award (2003), Department of Science and Technology, Government of Uttar Pradesh.

Distinguished Author Award (2009), Federation of Educational Publishers in India, New Delhi.

Eminent Engineer (2023), Institution of Engineers (India), Calcutta.



     Journal Articles/Chapters/Technical Reports:

  1. Shina Paniker, T V Vijay Kumar, Divakar Yadav, “A Multiobjective Approach for E-Commerce Website Structure Optimization”, Concurrency and Computation, Practice and Experience, Vol 36(18), ISSN:1532-0626, Wiley, 2024
  2. Pooja Yadav, Raghuraj Suryavanshi, Divakar Yadav, “Rigorous Specification of Vector Timestamp Based Load Sharing Mechanism for Distributed Systems”, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, NISCAIR-CSIR, Vol 83, pp 721-729, ISSN 0975-1084 (Online); 0022-4456 (Print), July 2024
  3. Shina Panicker, T.V. Vijay Kumar, Divakar Yadav, A Novel Transformation-Based E-Commerce Website Structure Optimization Model, IETE Technical Review, Taylor & Francis, , pp. 1-10, 2023. DOI :
  4. Sudhani Verma, Divakar Yadav, Girish Chandra “Introduction of Formal Methods in Blockchain Consensus Mechanism and Its Associated Protocols”, IEEE Access, IEEE, 2022, DOI : 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3184799
  5. Pooja Yadav, Raghuraj Suryavanshi, Divakar Yadav  “Rigorous Design of Fault Tolerance and Recovery Algorithm for Disaster Management and Relief Distribution System using Event-B”, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, NISCAIR-CSIR, 2022.
  6. Yadav Pooja, Raghuraj Suryavanshi, Divakar Yadav “Formal Verification of Liveness Properties in Causal Order Broadcast Systems Using Event-B, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing”, Springer, Singapore, 2021, DOI :
  7. Pooja Yadav, Raghuraj Suryavanshi, Divakar Yadav Formal Verification of Receiver Initiated Load Distribution Protocol with Fault Tolerance and Recovery, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, NISCAIR-CSIR, 2021,
  8. Sudhani Verma, Divakar Yadav, Girish Chandra “Leader Election Algorithm in Fault Tolerant Distributed System, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing”, Vol 1374, Springer, Singapore, 2021, DOI :
  9. D Kumar, D Yadav  “A comprehensive analysis of wavelet tree based indexing schemes in GIR systems”, Intl. J. Information Technology, Springer, 2021, DOI :
  10. Shantanu Shukla, Raghuraj Suryavanshi, Divakar Yadav Formal Modelling of Cluster-Coordinator-Based Load Balancing Protocol Using Event-B, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol 1374, Springer, Singapore, 2021, DOI :
  11. Bal Krishna Saraswat, Raghuraj Suryavanshi, Divakar Yadav  “Formal Specification & Verification of Checkpoint Algorithm for Distributed Systems using Event-B”, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, IJETT Journal, 2021,
  12. Kumar,N., Yadav,S.K., Yadav,D.S. (2021). “An Approach for Documents Clustering Using K-Means Algorithm”. In: Singh, P.K., Polkowski, Z., Tanwar, S., Pandey, S.K., Matei, G., Pirvu, D. (eds) Innovations in Information and Communication Technologies (IICT-2020). Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation. Springer, Cham.
  13. Bal Krishna Saraswat, Raghuraj Suryavanshi, Divakar Yadav  “Formal Development of a Fault Tolerant Distributed Checkpoint Process Using Event-B”, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education , Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, 2021,
  14. Alok Mishra, Divakar Yadav  “Evading Gratuitous Energy Consumption Due to Activation of Superfluous Nodes in WSN”, Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer, 2020,
  15. Anupam Singh, Raghuraj Suryavanshi, Divakar Yadav, “Formal Specification and Verification of Replication in Blockchain Oriented Transactional System Using Event-B”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 11172-11181, 2020.
  16. Naveen Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Yadav, Divakar Singh Yadav “An Improved Clustering on Text Mining Using Partitioned Approach” Journal of Xidian University, Volume 14, Issue 10,pp. 320-324, ISSN: 1001 –2400. 2020
  17. Anupam Singh, Raghuraj Suryavanshi, Divakar Singh Yadav,“ Formal Development of Fault-Tolerant Majority Based Replica Control Protocol using Event-B”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8, Issue-9S, pp 260-267, July 2019.
  18. Anupam Singh, Raghuraj Suryavanshi, Divakar Yadav, “Formal Development and Verification of Quorum Based Static Voting Replica Control Protocol Using Event-B”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 28, No. 20, pp. 133-144 , 2019.
  19. Yadav P., Suryavanshi R., Singh AK., Yadav, D., Formal Verification of Causal Order based Load Distribution Mechanism using Event-B, pages 229-241, Data Engineering & Applications, Springer, Singapore, ISBN 978-981-13-6350-4, 2019.
  20. Shantanu Shukla, Raghuraj Suryavansi, Divakar Yadav, “ Split Point Load Balancing Algorithm based on Event-B”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), ISSN 2278-3075, Vol 8, Issue 9, July 2019.
  21. Bal Krishna Saraswat, Raghuraj Suryavanshi, D.S. Yadav,” A Comparative Study of Checkpointing algorithms for distributed systems”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,118(20):1595-1603, 2018,  ISSN 1314-3395
  22. Heeralal and Divakar Yadav, “ICT in Governance; Study of ICT Projects in governance in India”, International Journal of Academic Research and Development”, 2(2):110-115, ISSN: 2455-4197, March 2017.
  23. Sanjay Kumar, Gurmit Singh and Divakar Yadav, “Analysis of a Database Replication Algorithm under load sharing in network”, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, (11)2 :193-211 (2016). ISSN: 1823-4690
  24. Girish Chandra and Divakar Yadav, “Formal Development of Basic Timestamp Concurrency Control Mechanism using Event-B”, International Journal of Computer Application,123(8):7-11, 2015. ISBN: 973-93-80888-85-9, Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), New York, USA.
  25. Singh, A.K, Divakar Yadav and V K Singh, “Formal development of path discovery in AODV Routing Protocol using Event-B”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), volume 124(5):24-30, 2015 Published by Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA. ISBN: 973-93-80889-00-2.
  26. Girish Chandra, Raghuraj Suryavanshi and Divakar Yadav, “Formal verification of Distributed Checkpointing using Event-B”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (IJCSIT), 7(5):59-73, DOI:10.5121/ijcsit.2015.7504 October 2015. ISSN :0975-4660
  27. Singh, A.K. and Divakar Yadav, “Formal specifications and verification of total order broadcast through destination agreement using Event-B”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 7(5): 85-95, DOI:10.5121 /ijcsit.2015.7506, October 2015. ISSN :0975-4660
  28. Singh, A.K, Divakar Yadav and V K Singh., “Modeling of DSDV Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc networks Using Event-B”, International Journal of Computer Engineering & Technology (IJCET), 5(2):108-116, 2014. ISSN :   0976 – 6367
  29. Sanjay Kumar, Gurmit Singh and Divakar Yadav, ”Analysis of Database Replication Algorithm in Local and Global Networks”, International Journal of Computer Applications 84(6):48-54, December 2013, New York, USA. ISBN: 973-93-80879-26-7
  30. Sanjay Kumar, Gurmit Singh and Divakar Yadav, ”Throughput and Delay Analysis of Database Replication Algorithms” International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science (IJMECS), 5(12):47-53, 2013. ISSN:2075-0161
  31. Sanjay Kumar, Gurmit Singh and Divakar Yadav ,” Mathematical Framework for a Novel Database Replication Algorithm,” International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science (IJMECS), 5(9):1-10, 2013, ISSN:2075-0161
  32. N Phulmare, P Chakravorty and Divakar Yadav,”Understanding and Estimation of Emotional Expression using acoustic analysis of natural speech”, International Journal on Natural Language Computing (IJNLC), 2(4):37-46, 2013. ISSN:2278-1307
  33. Girish Chandra and Divakar Yadav,“ Verification of Money Atomicity in Digital cash based Payment Systems”, Information System Security, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol 7671, pp 249-264, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2012.
  34. Raghuraj Suryavanshi and Divakar Yadav, “Rigorous design of Lazy Replication System Using Event-B”, Contemporary Computing, Communications in Computer and Information Sciences(CCIS), Vol 306, pp 407-418, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2012
  35. Raghuraj Suryavanshi and Divakar Yadav, “Rigorous Design of Partition-Aware Total Order Broadcast System using Event-B”, International Journal of Computer Applications 26(8):35-39, New York, 2011. ISBN: 978-93-80864-34-9.
  36. Divakar Yadav, Michael Butler, “Formal Development of a Total Order Broadcast for Distributed Transactions using Event-B”, Method, Models and Tool for Fault-Tolerance, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 5454, pp 152-176, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heildelberg, 2009. ISSN : 0302-9743
  37. Girish Chandra, Divakar Yadav,“ Analyzing Data Flow in Trustworthy Electronic Payment Systems using Event-B”, Data Engineering and Management, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol 6411, pp 325-332, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2010. ISSN 0302-9743
  38. Raghuraj Singh, Divakar Yadav, “Formal Development Of Byzantine Immune total order broadcast system using Event-B”, Data Engineering and Management, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol 6411, pp 317-324, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg,  2010. ISSN 0302-9743
  39. Divakar Yadav, Michael Butler, “Verification of Liveness Properties in Distributed Systems”, Communications in Computer and Information sciences (CCIS),  Vol 40, pp 625-636, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2009. ISSN  : 1865-0929
  40. J Pandey, S Joshi, D S Yadav, “ ANN Based Crop Yield Forecasting Model Using Remote Sensing and Surface Parameters”, International journal of Emerging Technologies and Applications in Engineering, Technology and Sciences, 2(2) : 724-727, India, 2009.  ISSN: 0974-3588
  41. Michael Butler, Divakar Yadav, “An incremental development of the Mondex System in Event-B”, Formal Aspects of Computing (J), Springer-Verlag, London, 20(1): 61-77, 2008. ISSN : 0934-5043
  42. P Kangsabanik, D S Yadav, R Mall, A K Majumdar, “Performance Analysis of Long-Lived Cooperative Transactions in active DBMS”, Data and Knowledge Engineering (J),  Elsevier B.V Amsterdam,  62(3) : 547-577,  2007. ISSN: 0169-023X
  43. Divakar Yadav, Michael Butler, “Rigorous Design of Fault-tolerant Transactions for Replicated Databases”, Final Report on Methodology, European Union IST project 511599, RODIN   Deliverable D29 (Public Document), Editors  CB Jones, MJ Butler, E Troubitsyana, A Rezazadeh,  pp 31-33, 30 October 2007, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
  44. Divakar Yadav, Michael Butler, “Formal Specifications and Verifications of Message Ordering Properties in a Broadcast System using Event B”, Technical Report, School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, 2007.
  45. Divakar Yadav, Michael Butler, “Rigorous Design of Fault-Tolerant Transactions for Replicated Database System using Event-B”, Rigorous Development of Complex Fault Tolerant Systems, volume 4157 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pp 343-363, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2006. ISSN : 0302-9743
  46. Divakar Yadav, Michael Butler, ”Development of Distributed Transaction in Event-B”, Intermediate Report on Methodology, European Union IST project RODIN  Deliverable D19 (Public Document), Editor Cliff Jones,  pp 58-65, August 2006., Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
  47. D S Yadav, V S Yadav, RC Saraswat, ”Maintaining Legal Requirement of Digital Signature through public key cryptographic system”, IETE Journal of  Education, New Delhi, Vol 44, No 3, pp. 131-142 , July –Sep 2003 , ISSN : 0970-1664.

      Refereed Conference Papers

  1. P Bahadur and Divakar Yadav,” Computer Forensics: Digitized Science”, 2015 SAI Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys 2015), 10-11 Nov 2015, London, U.K. In Proc. IEEE Digital Library DOI: 10.1109/IntelliSys.2015.7361269
  2. Naveen Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Yadav, Divakar Singh Yadav “An Approach for Documents Clustering using K-Means Algorithm” IC4S-2020 (LNNS-Scopus),Springer Nature 2020.
  3. Sunil Kumar, D S Yadav, “Analysis of lane detection techniques using open CV”,  2015 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), In Proc. IEEE Digital Library,pp1-4, 17-20 Dec. 2015, Delhi, DOI: 10.1109/INDICON.2015. 7443166
  4. N Singh, M Chandra, D Yadav, “Formal Specifications of Asynchronous checkpointing using Event-B”,  2015 International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering and Applications, In Proc. IEEE Digital Library, 19-20 March 2015, DOI: 10.1109/ICACEA.2015.7164773.
  5. Subodh Kumar, Girish Chandra, Divakar Yadav, ”Formal Verification of Security Protocol using B Method”, Proc. 5th IEEE Intl. Conference on Computer and Communication Technology (ICCCT-2014),26-28 Sept 2014, Allahabad, IEEE Digital Library, pp 161-167, ISBN : 978-1-4799-6757-5, 2014.
  6. Raghuraj Suryavanshi and Divakar Yadav, “Modeling of Distributed Mutual Exclusion System Using Event-B” in Third International Conference on Computer Science and information (CCSIT-2013), Jan Zizka Editor, Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT), pages 477–491, LNI CST, Springer, Bangalore, 2013
  7. Raghuraj Suryavanshi and Divakar Yadav,“ Modeling of Multiversion Concurrency Control System Using Event-B”, FEDCSIS 2012, Sept 9-12,2012, Wroclaw, Poland. IEEE Digital Library, ISBN 978-83-60810-48-4, 2012.
  8. Nilima Phulmare, Divakar Yadav, “Rigorous Analysis of Byzantine Causal Order Using Event-B”, ICWET 2010, ACM New York, ACM Digital Library, ISBN : 978-1-60558-812-4, 2010.
  9. Raghuraj Singh, Divakar Yadav, “Formal Development of Lazy Replication System Using Event-B”, In Proc Nat. Conf. Research and Development Trends in ICT, RDICT-2010, University of Lucknow, 12-13 Feb 2010.
  10. Divakar Yadav and Michael Butler,“ Formal Development of Fault Tolerant Transactions for a replicated Database using Ordered Broadcasts”, In Proc. of  Workshop on Methods, Models and Tools for Fault Tolerance, MeMoT 2007, pp 33-42, 3 July 2007, Oxford, UK
  11. Divakar Yadav, “Rigorous Design of Distributed Transactions for Replicated Database System using Event B”, (Poster), Post Graduate Research Showcase, School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton,  December 2006, UK
  12. Divakar Yadav, “Knowledge Transfer”, Commonwealth Scholarship News, Commonwealth Commission, Issue 2, November 2006, London, U.K.
  13. Divakar Yadav and Michael Butler “Formal Development of Distributed Transactions for Replicated Databases using Event B”,  Dagstuhl Seminar Number 06121, ‘Atomicity : Unifying concept in computer science’, Seminar Report,  Editors  CB Jones, D Lomet, A Romanovsky, G Weikum,  Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik GmbH, Dagstuhl, 19.3.2006 - 24.3.2006,  Germany.
  14. Divakar Yadav, Michael Butler, “Application of Event-B to Global causal Ordering for Fault-Tolerant transactions, In Proc. of Workshop on Rigorous Engineering of Fault Tolerant Systems, REFT-2005, pp 93-103, 19 July 2005, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K.
  15. D S Yadav, Rajeev Agrawal, A K Majumdar, “Modeling long duration transaction with time constraints in Active Database”, International Conference on Information Technology : Coding and Computing, ITCC 2004, Volume-1, IEEE Computer Society , PP 497-501, April 5-7, 2004, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. ISBN: 0-765-2108-8.
  16. D.S. Yadav, Rajeev Agrawal, R.C. Sarswat, “Analysis of Cooperation Semantics for Transaction Processing with Full and Partial Aborts in Active Database”, Proceedings 4th IEEE International Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, Information, Communication and Signal Processing, IEEE ICICS/PCM-2003, Singapore, 18-20 December 2003, ISBN:0-7803-8186-6
  17. D.S. Yadav, R.C. Sarswat, G. Chandra, R. Agrawal, “An approach to reduce resource contention while scheduling time constrained long running activity in Active Database System”,5th International Workshop on Computer & Information Technologies ,CSIT 2003, 16-18 Sept 2003 ,Ufa , Russia, In  Proceeding , Vol 1 , pp 162-166 , Russia.  ISBN : 5-86911-420-9
  18. S. Agrawal, B.N. Mishra, D.S. Yadav, G. Chandra, R. Goel, S. Misra, A.K. Khare, “Recent Trends in Drug Design: A Bioinformatics Approach”, 5th International Workshop on computer & Information Technologies ,CSIT 2003, 16-18 Sept  2003, Proceedings , Vol 1 , pp 49-53, Ufa , Russia. ISBN : 5-86911-420-9.
  19. D S Yadav, S K Shukla,"Technical and Legal Aspects of Digital Signatures", Proc. National Conference on advancement in Information Technology and Management", AIM -2002, Dehradun, India, Feb 2002.
  20. D S Yadav, S S Soam, S K Bajpai ,"On Concurrency Control Mechanism to achieve parallism in Real Time Transaction Databases", Proc. National Conference on advancement in Information Technology and Management”, AIM 2002, Dehradun , India, Feb 2002.
  21. DS Yadav, AK Majumdar, RC Saraswat, DS Chauhan," Towards a Model of  Concurrency to achieve Temporal Consistency in Long Duration Transaction Processing in Real Time Active  Database System", In Proc. 3rd International Conference on Information, Communication and Signal Processing (ICICS 2001), 15-18 Oct 2001, Singapore,  ISBN : 981-04-5149-0
  22. D S Yadav, S S Soam ,S K Bajpai ,"An Elegant way to Achieve Parallelism in Real Time Transaction Databases" In Proc. National Conference on Data Communication ( NCDC-2000), 7-8 April 2000 , Chandigarh , India.
  23. D S Yadav ,"Digital Signatures", PWD Annual Review 2000, Government of UP, Lucknow, India.
  24. D S Yadav, P Kangasabanik, A K Majumdar, "Scheduling  Long Duration Transaction in Real Time Active DBMS", ICICS'99, 2nd Intl. Conf. On Information, Communication & Sig. Processing, 7-10 Dec 1999, Singapore.
  25. D S Yadav, "An Execution Model for Long Duration Transaction Processing in Active Database Management System" VII Annual Conference of Vijnana Parishad of India, Lucknow ,15-17 Dec 1998.
  26. D S Yadav, S K Bajpai," A Model for Transaction Scheduling & Concurrency Control in Real Time Database System “VII Annual Conference of Vijnana Parishad of India, Lucknow,15-17 Dec 1998.
  27. D. S. Yadav, Onkar Singh ,"Real Time Query Processing in Distributed System", Proc. National Symposium on Computer Applications in Engineering & Technology ,ReTCA’96, March 8-9,1996, PP 49-57 Punjab , India 1996.


Conference Presentations  (Abroad)

  1. “Modeling of Multiversion Concurrency Control System Using Event-B”,   Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2012, Sept 9-12, 2012, Wroclaw, Poland.
  2. “Formal Development of Fault Tolerant Transactions for a Replicated Database using Ordered Broadcasts”, Methods, Models and Tools for Fault Tolerance (MeMoT 2007), July 3, 2007, Oxford, UK.
  3. “Formal Development of Fault Tolerant Transactions for Replicated Database using Ordered Broadcasts” Group Seminar, DSSE research group, School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, UK, 14 May 2007.
  4. “Incremental development of Mondex using Event-B”, Mondex case study workshop, 4th VSR-net meeting, 5-6 October 2006, University of York, Yorkshire, UK. (The meeting was a part of Grand Challenge 6 on dependable systems evolution set by UK Computing Research Council.)
  5. “Knowledge Transfer at Grass Root Level”, Seminar on making university research work for poor, A seminar held at the University of the West of England, Bristol, UK, 16th - 17th September 2006.
  6. “Incremental development of Mondex using Event-B”, Mondex case study workshop, 3rd VSR-net(Verified Software Repository) meeting, Cosener's House,25-26 May 2006, Abingdon, Oxford, UK. (Presented by Professor  Michael Butler )
  7. “Incremental Development of Distributed Transaction in Event-B”, RefineNet Workshop, May 4-5, 2006, Chilworth Manor, Southampton, UK.
  8. “Formal Specifications of Distributed Transactions using Event-B”, Group Seminar, DSSE research group, School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, UK , 15 March 2006.
  9. “Formal Development of Distributed Transactions using Event-B”, Dagstuhl Seminar Series no 06121 on ‘Atomicity: Unifying concept in computer science’, 19.3.2006 - 24.3.2006, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany.
  10. “Application of Event-B to Global Causal Ordering for Fault Tolerant Transactions”, Rigorous Engineering of Fault Tolerant System (REFT2005), July 19, 2005, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
  11. “Application of Event-B to Global Causal Ordering for Fault Tolerant Transactions”, Group Seminar, DSSE research group, School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, UK , 22 June 2005.
  12. "Concurrency Control Schemes for Real Time Active Database System ", April  11, 2000, Invited Talk at  Advanced Computing Research Center ,University of South Australia , Adelaide , Australia.
  13. "Transaction Management in Real Time Active Database System", Invited Talk at Multimedia University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Apr 14, 2000.
  14. “Capturing the business processes and their customization on AXAPTA 2.0: an Integrated ERP Tool”, Sanomed Medizintechnik, Hamburg, Germany,10 Dec,1999.
  15. "Transaction Processing in Active Database Management System”,Sanomed Medizintechnik , Hamburg, Germany, Oct 3, 1998.

Invited Lecture/Inaugural Address/Key Note/FDP Presentations( India)

  1. Key Note Address, “Rigorous Design of Dependable System”, National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Research, Innovations and Its Applications”,(Sponsored by Springer & IET UK), Abstract In Proc CAIRIA 2019, 30-31 January 2019, Amity University, Lucknow. ISBN 978-93-5346-375-5.
  2. Invited Lecture, Innovation and Start-Up summit 2019, 28-30 January 2019 at Government Medical College, Banda organized by Council of Science and Technology, Govt. of U.P.
  3. One day workshop on social media and data breach, 28 April 2018, organized by UP Police, UP ATS Headquarters, Lucknow
  4. Session Chair, Workshop on Digital India-Altering Landscapes, Smart Governance-Impact and implementation challenges, DIAL 2018, 08 December 2018, PNB IIT Auditorium, Lucknow organized by Computer Society of India.
  5. Inaugural Address, All India Workshop on “Skill Development in Renewable Energy Sector”, 4 March 2017, Institution of Engineers (India), UP State Centre, River Bank, Lucknow.
  6. Session Chair, Workshop on Digital India-Altering Landscapes, Tracking the journey of Digitally empowered India, DIAL 2017, 9-10 December 2017, PNB IIT Auditorium, Lucknow organized by Computer Society of India.
  7. Inaugural Address, International Seminar on Sources of Planet Energy, Environmental and Disaster Science (Speed 2016), 19-20 November 2016, SMS Lucknow.
  8. Welcome Address as Director, BIET Jhansi,  Faculty Development Program on Advances in Thermal Engineering, Sponsored by TEQIP-III, Convener, Prof. N P Yadav,17-21 October 2016, Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jhansi (U.P.)
  9. Welcome Address as Director, BIET Jhansi,  International Conference on Recent Trends in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, RTEECE 2016, Conference Chair Prof. D.C.Dhubkarya, Sponsored by TEQIP-III, 15-16 October 2016, Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jhansi (U.P.)
  10. Welcome Address as Director, BIET Jhansi,  International Conference on Bio Medical Engineering & Supportive Technologies, BEST 2016, Conference Chair Prof. Shahnaj Ayub, Sponsored by TEQIP-III, 2-3 September 2016, Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jhansi (U.P.)
  11. Welcome Address as Director, BIET Jhansi,  Faculty Development Program on Signal and Image Processing, SIP-2016, Convener Prof. Shahnaj Ayub, Sponsored by TEQIP-III, 18-22 July 2016, Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jhansi (U.P.)
  12. Key Note Address,” Seminar on Recent Trends in Engineering”, Ansal Technical Campus, Lucknow, March 3, 2015
  13. Inaugural Address, “National Seminar on Mobile Technology & Cloud Computing”, In association with PHD Chambers of Commerce, New Delhi IMS Ghaziabad, 01 Nov 2014.
  14. Inaugural Address, Workshop on Tourism, World Tourism Day, RBS Technical Campus, Agra, 27 Sept 2014.
  15. Welcome Address as Pro Vice Chancellor, UPTU, Lucknow, Directors Conference, Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow, SGIT, Ghaziabad (07 March 2014)
  16. Invited Talk, “Transactions in Banking”, Maharana Pratap Engineering College, Kanpur, Feb 11, 2014.
  17. Invited Lecture, “Rigorous Design of Distributed Transactions”,101th Indian Science Congress, University of Jammu, Jammu, Feb 3-7, 2014.
  18. Inaugural Address, Two days Workshop on Matlab and its applications, Agra College, Agra (28 Feb-01 March 2014)
  19. Key note address as Pro Vice Chancellor of Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow,“Vision2020:UPTU”,Diretcors Conference,RGEC, Meerut. 21Feb, 2014.
  20. Key Note Address, Workshop on Software Development and Recent Trends, Amity University, Lucknow, 26-27 Sept 2013.
  21. Inaugural Address, 2nd Intl Conf on Emerging Trends in Intelligent Computing and Communication EICC-2013”, Galgotias College, Greater Noida, April 26-17, 2013.
  22. ‘Rigorous Design of Dependable Software Systems’, Invited Talk, “National Workshop on Recent Trends in ICT”, SIT Mathura, 30 Sept 2012.
  23. ‘Employment Opportunities’, Key Note, Workshop on Role of Training and Placement Cells in Universities, Univ. of Kanpur, Kanpur, 16 March 2012.
  24. ‘Rigorous Design of Dependable Broadcast Systems”, Invited Lecture, National Seminar on Emerging Applications on Next generation Networks (IETE), January 23-34, 2010 Taj Residency, Lucknow.
  25. ‘Development of Dependable Software Systems”, Invited Lecture, National Conference on Research and Development Trends in ICT, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, Feb 13,2010.
  26. ‘Requirement Engineering’, Key Note, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Information/ Network Security (ETINS- 2010)”,Amity University, Lucknow Campus and Computer Society of India, Lucknow Chapter,  21st October, 2010.
  27. ‘Recent Trends in Information Technology. Key Note, Techno-Quest 10, in association with Computer Society of India, Lucknow Christian College, Lucknow, 28 October 2010.
  28. Session Chair,” Int. Conf. Data Engineering & Management” (Springer), ICDEM 2010, Bishop Heber, Tiruchirapalli, July 29-31, 2010.
  29. “Formal Development of Distributed Systems using Event-B”, Invited Lecture, AICTE assisted Faculty Development Program(FDP) on Issue in Distributed Systems, 31 January 2009, Motilal National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, UP, India.
  30. “Verification of Critical Properties in Transactional Information Systems”, Invited Lecture, Workshop and Faculty Development Program on RDBMS,19-26 Feb 2009, Ambedkar Institute of Technology for Handicapped, Kanpur UP, 23 Feb 2009.
  31. “Verification of Ordering Properties in Broadcast Systems”, Invited Lecture, Faculty Development Program(FDP) under TEQIP on “Wireless Communication Technologies & Its Applications”, March 2-6,2009, College of Technology, G B Pant university of Ag. & Technology, Pantnagar, March 06, 2009.
  32. “Challenges in Information and Communication Technology”, Key Note Address, National Conference, LBS Institute of Management and Development Studies, Lucknow, March 27,2009.
  33. “Challenges in Information and Communication Technology”, Key Note Address, Students Symposia in Computing, SRM College of Engineering and Management, April 04, 2009.
  34. “Verification and Validation of Requirements”, Key Note, Faculty Development Program on Software Project Management, LBIMDS, Lucknow, 24 June 2009.
  35. “Development of Reliable Software (A case study of Total Order Broadcast) ”, Invited lecture, Seminar on Advancement in Computing and Technology, BBDNITM, Lucknow, Nov 14,2009.
  36. “Broadcast Protocols for Business Critical Systems”, Invited Lecture, AICTE Sponsored workshop on Information Security and Its applications, 02 Dec 2009, Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Allahabad.
  37. “Blogging, Tweeting – Bane or Boon”, Invited Lecture, IETE Foundation Day Celebration-2009, Lucknow, Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, Lucknow Chapter, 12 Dec 2009.
  38. Specifying  the programs and Requirements”, key note address, Faculty development workshop on Java and its Application, Sagar Institute of Technology and Management, 9-11 July, 2008.
  39. “Specifying dependable distributed system”, Key Note Address, National Seminar on Distributed Computing and Network, Sponsored by AICTE, LBSIMDS, Navin Bhawan Auditorium, September 12, 2008, Lucknow.
  40. “Information System Control “,Key Note, Seminar on ‘Information System Control’ organized by LBS Institute of Management Studies, Lucknow, India, March 20, 2004.
  41. “Working together for IT Development”, Meeting of Minds, Organized by Tata Consultancy Services, TCS New Delhi, 21 Feb 2014.
  42. “Confirmation of Legal Requirement of Digital Signature ", Seminar and R & D Report of IET Lucknow, India, 2002.
  43. “Issues in Real Time Database System ", Seminar, R&D Report of IET Lucknow, 2002.
  44. “Technical & Legal aspects of Digital Signatures”, International Workshop and Training Program on “Cyber Laws, Crimes and Intellectual Property Right “for Judicial Officers of SAARC Countries. Dec 1, 2001 - Dec,13,2001, Judicial Training & Research Institute , Lucknow, India.
  45. “Issues in Real Time Database Design", Two Week Summer Course on “Foundations of Information Technology", July 2, 2001-July14, 2001, Academic Staff College, U P Technical University, Lucknow, India.
  46. "Electronic Commerce”, Key Note, National Seminar on "Emerging Trends in Information Technology", Regional Science Center, LBSIMS, Lucknow, Dec 15, 2001.
  47. “Legal Issues in Digital Signature", Training Program of Judicial Officers of Govt. of Utter Pradesh, May 25, 2001, Judicial Training and Research Institute, Lucknow.
  48. "Word Processing & Management of Data”, International Workshop and Training Program on “Cyber Laws, Crimes and Intellectual Property Right" for Judicial Officer of South Asian Countries, Jan 6 - Jan 18, 2001, Judicial Training & Research Institute, Lucknow.
  49. "Internet Working", One week training program on " Basic Computer Awareness and Internet”, Senior Officers of  Trade Tax Department , Govt of UP , Institute of Management Development , Govt. of UP , Jun 7 , 2000.
  50. "Interactive Session on E Commerce", One week training program on "Basic Computer Awareness and Internet", Senior Officers of Trade Tax Department, Govt. of UP, Institute of Management Development, Govt. of UP, Jun 8, 2000.


 Ph.D. Supervision (Awarded):

  1.  Bal Krishna Saraswat (2024), Formal Verification of Recovery Techniques in Distributed Systems using Event-B, APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow.
  2. Dharmendra Kumar (2024), Design and Development of Methodologies for Spatial Information Retrieval, APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow.

  3. Pooja Yadav (2023), Formal Development of Recovery Protocols in Message Passing Systems, APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow.

  4. Anupam Singh (2022), Formal Development of Replica Control Protocol using Event-B, APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow.

  5. Alok Mishra (2021), A cluster based data sharing scheme for mobile ad-hoc networks, APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow.

  6. Heera Lal (2020), Role of ICT in achieving good governance in Uttar Pradesh : A study of selected government programs/initiatives, APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow.

  7. Raghuraj Singh Suryavansi (2015), Verification of Protocols for replicated databases : understanding issues in Group Communication, Data Management and Fault Tolerance, Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow.

  8. Girish Chandra (2015), Formal Development of Trustworthy Electronic Payment SystemsUttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow.

  9. Arun Kumar Singh (2015), Formal Specifications and Verification of Routing Protocols in MANET, Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow.

  10. Sanjay Kumar (2014), Replication control protocols for distributed databases, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Science and Technology, Allahabad U.P.


Sponsored Projects 

  1.  Research project on “Formal Verification of Distributed Load Balancing & System Recovery”,  sponsored by Council of Science & Technology, DST, Govt of U.P (No CST/D-8359 dated 14/03/2018), Project Outlay  INR 6.8 L.
  2. Research project on “Design and development of software tools and technologies for translation of natural languages: special focus on English to Sanskrit translation”, sponsored by Council of Science & Technology, Govt of U.P ( No CST/D-2475 dated 28/11/2019), Project Outlay INR 7.8 L.
  3. Research Project on " Formal Development and Verification of Secure Blockchain enabled Digital Health Care System", sponsored by Council of Science and Technology, Government of Uttar Pradesh, No CST/D/1223 dated 30/08/2022 project outlay 10.44L
  4. As project coordinator for a sponsored project on “Virtualization of Technical Education in G.B. Technical University, Lucknow   and Uttrakhand Technical University, Dehradun”, project sanctioned to GB Technical University, Lucknow under Scheme for Manpower Development for Software Export Industry, Department of Information Technology, Govt. of India (2010)


Text  Books

  1. D.S. Yadav,“Foundations of Information Technology", 506 pages, 3rd Edition, New Age International Publishers (Formerly Wiley Eastern), New Delhi, 2001.ISBN : 81-224-1490-7.
  2. D. S. Yadav, R Khanna,“Computer Concepts and Programming in C”, 517 pages, New Age International Publishers (Formerly Wiley Eastern), New Delhi, 2008. ISBN : 978-81-224-2571-0.
  3. D. S. Yadav, Girish Chandra, N Chelmaiah, “Information Technology and Numerical Methods” 384 Pages, New Age International Publishers (Formerly Wiley Eastern), New Delhi, 2008. ISBN : 978-81-224-1423-3.
  4. D. S. Yadav, A. K. Singh, “Microcontrollers: Features and Application”, 282 pages, New Age International Publishers (Formerly Wiley Eastern), New Delhi, 2006, ISBN : 978-81-224-1811-8.


Other Articles

         1.  Transforming education to meet challenges of globalization, The Indian Express, New Delhi, 30.04.2017


   Thesis / Dissertations

  1.  Divakar Yadav, “Rigorous Design of Distributed Transactions”, PhD Thesis, Dependable Systems and Software Engineering Research group, School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, UK, 2008.

           Supervisor:    Prof. Michael Butler, University of Southampton, U.K.

           Examiner:      Prof.  Alexander Romanovsky, University of Newcastle, U.K.

      2. D.S.Yadav, “Performance Analysis of Long-lived Cooperative Transactions in Active Database Management Systems”, M.Tech Thesis, Department of Computer       Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur ,1997.     

           Supervisor:     Prof. A K Majumdar, IIT, Kharagpur.

           Co-Supervisor:   Dr. Prithiwish Kangsabanik, IIT Kharagpur.


Countries Visited:

      Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Malaysia, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, UAE, UK and USA.


Distributed Computing, Formal verification using Event-B, Database Systems
Distributed Computing, Verification of Critical Systems, Database Systems